Running for Municipal Council

Consider running for municipal council
Municipalities are the level of government closest to the people, delivering services that residents rely on every day. Saskatchewan needs citizens to take on leadership roles as council members to represent their communities and provide direction on policies, programs and services. Council members are entrusted to make decisions that directly affect the daily lives of residents, families, local business owners and others in the community.
Where to learn more
Learning about your municipality and the roles and responsibilities of a council member will assist you to decide if running for council is the right fit for you.
Key Standards and values of a council member 

  • Honesty
  • Objectivity
  • Respect
  • Transparency
  • Accountability
  • Confidentiality
  • Leadership and the Public Interest
  • Responsibility 

Please be advised that pursuant to the authority conferred to the Honourable Don McMorris, Minister of Government Relations, a Financial Controller has been appointed for the Northern Village of Sandy Bay since November 2023.


This appointment is intended to assist Village officials by providing direct control over municipal expenditures and liabilities, to establish necessary financial controls for the Village. The Financial Controller is responsible for ensuring available funds are appropriately directed to deliver critical municipal services, address immediate priority financial obligations, stabilize the Village’s financial situation, and establish a fulsome accounting of the Village’s financial situation.


This means that the independent financial authorities and powers of the Village council have been suspended, and these powers and authorities are provided to the Financial Controller.


A municipal inspection was also held in 2023, and the inspector's report is currently under review. Once this review is complete, the report will be made available to the public on the Government of Saskatchewan website.
